Monday, June 29, 2009

Top 10 Favorite Pictures!!! :)

Alright so stolen idea, I'm going to post my top 10 favorite pictures!
Alright so first off is this picture of the lumberjack club when we went to free pancake day at ihop. This was the coolest thing ever because I helped to start this club along with Cheyna and Natalie (love you guys!) We had somany good times throughout the course of our 9th grade year! :)

Ok, so this was just cool! I mean meeting David Archuleta, come on how can that not make the top 10?

Alright so I just think this pic is super cute! We're at the 9th grade dance making thoughtful faces! aaahhh Memories :)
Alright so all my pals and me at the David concert! One of the most fun days with the coolest girls ever!
haha this is a picture from my quinceanero! I love seeing how we all end up looking by 2 o'clock in the morning :P
My 2 best friends and me :) It'll be cuter once I get that dang metal off my teeth and we can take an after picture. haha
Ok so this just reminds me of the musical Cinderella! I love how we are all either laughing or on the verge of! I think goofing around backstage might have been even more fun than the actual performance!
Alright so this picture isn't great but going to see Wicked was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had! We saw it at the Pantages theater in California!!
My sister/best friend and me! Even though it's old, I think this picture shows our true colors. :)
Last but not least, the family!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Alright so the lumberjack club is pretty much the coolest club in the entire world!! We started it this year so these are the ORIGINAL LUMBERJACKS! :) We ate pancakes and wore plaid haha it was a blast! :)

Last Day of Jr High! :)

Alright I figure it's time for an update so here is my last day of school stuff!! This is Vanessa, me, Haley, and Alyssa. Oh man I'm missing school already!! Here are some more pics! Nick, Jordan, Tucker, and Ticen. :P
Chey and me :)

Alright so these next pictures need some explaining. Michelle, Cheyna, Natalie, and I buried a time capsule when we graduated from 6th grade and said that we would open when we graduated from Jr high. Well... That day came! So we opened it and it was way cool. There are pictures in there and we looked way little! It was fun to see. Check out the pics! :)

Alright then to end this fabulous day Cheyna threw a party! It was a blast! We roasted marshmallows, hot dogs, starbursts, and discovered that laffy taffys are pretty dang good roasted too. :) Then we watched Forever Strong. Dang good show! So here are party prep and actual party pics! :)Making root beer! Haha I love playing with the dry ice :P

Burning school work. A dang good tradition in my opinion! :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

David Archuleta!!

Hi Guys!! I'm going to kind of catch up on what's been going on lately since I just started my blog and I figure hey what better place to start then David Archuleta, right? :P About a year ago when David came to the Gateway during the American Idol finals my mom, my sister, Cheyna and I went to see him. It was way cool! We were less than 10 yards away from him the whole time. I got some pretty cool pictures. Chey and I had also stayed up the night before and made cool pink D-hats that said I love David all over them and a poster. When we got there a lady said she liked our hats and asked for an interview!! We were on TV a few days later! Then just this past March a bunch of friends and I bought tickets to go see him in concert. Then my mom heard about a contest on the radio to win tickets and backstage passes. You were just supposed to text DAVID over and over again and then they would call a random number that had texted in. Between my sisters and I we texted over 4000 times! Well it paid off. My little sister was texting on my mom's phone which was the one that won so she and I got to go back. It was way cool! I got a picture, obviously, and an autograph! Although meeting David Archuleta was amazing, it was probably just as fun hanging out with my amazing friends!! In the bottom picture,starting on the left, we had Jamie, Andrea (me), Brittney, Alyssa, Haley, Natalie, Cheyna, and my little sis Mallory. Amanda or my mom must have been taking the picture!:)