Monday, September 24, 2012

My next big adventure...

Life in Logan :)
Anyone who knows me knows I am very attached to my home and family! The idea of moving away was a terrifying one for me but I also knew that it was something I needed to do. I tried to look at is an adventure and an adventure it has been! It's funny how life doesn't change as much as you might think. I'm still the same person, I feel ready for bed by 9:30, I waste time away watching Gilmore Girls and youtube videos, I can already tell I'm going to be way too busy, I still freak out about my grades, and basically I'm the exact same as always. However, I must admit I love college! I miss my family a lot. I miss a lot of friends and quite a few teachers. I miss all of me extra-curricular activities and friends, but I can tell that life in Logan is going to be something to remember. :) I've only been there a month and I can already tell how great it will be by how great it has been!!
First of all... my roommates rock. :) Seriously. I love them. I hear people tell horror stories and wonder how I got so lucky! We went to taste of Logan, where I seriously thought I was going to explode. And then adventured ice skating. We were all very proud of McCall. :) Ice skating isn't exactly her thing. ;)

Another adventure school has brought me is homemaking. Let's be honest. I didn't know the meaning of the word before I left for school. However, I am rather proud of the few things I have accomplished!  I am in a costume crafts class for my theatre minor and considering I’ve never touched a sewing machine it was super intimidating… but I’m proud to say that I have hemmed a pair of pants. I know. Hold the applause. ;) And I have cooked a few homemade meals that actually taste good! Who would’ve thought I was capable of any of that??

 And I have also discovered my love for swing dancing! Seriously though, I love it. I find immense joy in having someone throw me around like a rag doll. :)
Apparently... college students decided that a good way to meet people is to prank them. The problem is I am far too lazy to get revenge. We had peanut better smeared all over our porch and door knob... There is STILL an oil stain on our porch. We spent a night watching a movie confused about where that obnoxious squeaking sound was coming from as someone rubbed a a wet rag along a fishing line attached to my window. But to top it all of our friend Jared STOLE OUR DOOR. Right off it's hinges. Ran away with it. Then sent us on a scavenger hunt to find the door pins to put it back together. What. Who comes up with something like that!!! But it sure did make for a good picture. ;)

P.S. That sign McKelle and Chey are making is our N3 gang sign... We're weird. :) haha

Alright I am talking way too much... So I'll try to make my other adventures short and sweet!!
Football games... Love them too! I definitely got thrown into the air at my first one. Slightly terrifying... but I was being spirited!! And then WE BEAT THE U!!! Ah... that was a great day. :)
I don't know if this counts as life in Logan since I was in Salt Lake... But I went to the state fair and Lonestar concert with Kelton! I love fairs and concerts and being with friends so it was a grand old time! :)
McCall had a birthday!! 19 years old... She's basically ancient. ;)
However, one of my favorite things I've done was our "toast to the new year." We busted out our shot glasses and sparkling cider and decided that this would be a year we would never forget!!! :)

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